.... See More essay at :www.essssay.com Introduction : Books are very important parts of human life. History tells that human life ruled and brought on right path by many important books. Messengers of god brought many books that changed the way of human living on this planet. So we must pay greatest respect , highest honor, huge willingness to those messengers for changing our lives from bad to good, from wrong to right , from animal to human beings. Book’s Reality : Books are the most important source of learning till now. So I think it is the only media which has highest impact on us.It has the power of influencing us in a very acceptable manner. Every body believes more on books than oral sayings. All of us should realize the book’s impact of goodness on our lives. 5 books that changed my life are: 1. 80/20 Principle – By Richard Koch. This book is based on a discovery made by Vilfred Pareto, a disc...